Gender Reveal Ideas

Gender Reveal Ideas

Have you ever planned a gender party? Then you know there are many different ideas on what to use to announce the baby’s gender. Here I’m going to tell you about using a gender reveal confetti cannon kit with a twist.

Gender Reveal Challenge

If you're looking for a fun and different way to surprise your friends and family with your new baby’s gender then read on.

gender reveal confetti cannon kit

Blasting blue or pink confetti into the air announcing your new baby’s gender is fun and exciting. But, you could also add some more fun by adding a team challenge with strings of blue and pink beads.

pink and blue beads for the gender challenge

Have everyone select the color beads that match what they think the baby will be when you announce the gender. Finally, when everyone has their beads and it’s time to release the good news. Have everyone do a countdown. 1-2-3 The confetti fills the air and everyone instantly knows the new baby’s gender.

Everyone also knows who guessed the baby’s gender correctly by which beads they have around their neck.